We have given fundamental stock news for Kwality Pharmac to gain more than BANK FD, Insurance and POST. At that time Kwality Pharmac Price was 300 . you can verify over here: Kwality Pharmac Post on 1st Aug 2022 kwality pharmac Right now, Kwality Pharmac Price is 387 which is almost 29 % means 87 Rs. increase in just 1 month on 300 Rs investment . This return is more than any other investment option mentioned above. like BANK FD, Insurance and POST etc., Moreover BANK FD, Insurance or POST takes a year of the time period to give at max 7-8% and we have provided 29% in 1 month time period which is exceptional and exemplary for investors like you. Hope you get such returns continuously. Follow us and get connected to get such more investment options on a regular basis. Also, comment or message us. if you want us to review any other stocks and come up with advice for investment for any particular stock. we will ...
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